The smartphone is the first thing many of us pick-up when we wake up. It is with us all the time, every day, for work and play. So why not express your love for all that your device does for you, and you could win one Samsung Galaxy Buds +.
From now until 20 June 2021, Samsung Members users stand a chance to win one unit of Galaxy Buds + when they submit a video entry on what features they love about their Samsung Galaxy device. The top five videos, which receive the most kudos with best video content, will walk away with one unit of Galaxy Buds + each, a perfect pairing with your Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
How to Join
Step One: Create your own content using video to highlight the amazing features on your Galaxy device. These features could include the Pro-Grade video, single take, Night-Mode feature, or the long-lasting battery, and other mind-blowing specs.
Step Two: Upload the video on community via Samsung Members.
Step Three: Describe your love in the post and include #LoveGalaxyLoveMe and #SamsungMembersMY
The top five posts with the most ‘likes’ received with the best video content will stand a chance to win one (1) unit of Samsung Galaxy Buds+. Terms and conditions apply. For further details on the competition, please see:
Samsung Members gives you exclusive content, rewards and always-on support to help you make the most of your Samsung Galaxy device. If you have not downloaded the Samsung Member app, you can click the direct link here to download it:
For details on the Galaxy Buds+, please see: