TAIPEI, Sept. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — 2022 GO SMART Award (GSA), held by Taipei Computer Association(TCA), is entering its 4th year and will start accepting proposals from September 13th to November 8th 2021, sincerely welcoming global participation. Here are the 4 categories of criteria for our panelists’ assessment: Cross-domain, Impact, Functionality and Innovation.
This award aims to highlight the success of teamwork through collaboration, especially for teams that demonstrated diversity with stakeholders’ engagement from different domains. We want to raise the interest, desire, confidence and determination of the collaboration among city operators, solutions providers and citizens by highlighting their true stories and recognizing their achievements.
Garnering great testimonials globally since 2019, GSA has already earned fervent responses and participation from cities around the world. Over the past 3 terms, more than 120 outstanding projects have been submitted from more than 30 cities (e.g. Amsterdam, Da Nang, Gdynia, Moscow, Prague, Taipei, etc.).
For the upcoming term in 2022, GO SMART has the great honor to have renown and highly competent juries in its panel – Mr. Frans-Anton Vermast, the Strategy Advisor of Amsterdam Smart City; Dr. Bruno Lanvin, President of Smart City Observatory of IMD; Ms. Callysta Thony, Smart Cities and Mobility Lead of Eden Strategy Institute; Mr. Chris Cooke, Founder & CEO of SmartCitiesWorld; as well as Dr. Leo Lee, Secretary General of GO SMART.
They will evaluate the submissions for 2022 GSA with their professional insights, and provide their valuable feedback to the finalists during the online pitch session, helping the projects to achieve greater success.
GO SMART is calling for the public and private sectors from cities around the world to share their inspiring stories. GO SMART Award shall not only recognize the technological applications, but also value the projects with the highest impact to its people. The winners will be announced on March 23rd, 2022 at GO SMART Day during 2022 Smart City Summit & Expo (SCSE), which is an internationally renowned smart city event held annually in Taipei, Taiwan.