I received the Lenovo L101 speaker not too long ago and my first thought was, this looks good. I got the Lenovo L101 speaker, or rather a mini soundbar, from Banggood.com website. I have said before that Banggood is now my new go-to shopping site for some nifty gadget products from China. And I can assure you, 100% of the products that I have received from Banggood has been excellent and worth every cent. The delivery time may take a while but tops at 2 weeks, which is reasonable coming from China.
Back to the Lenovo L101 speaker.

It came in an elongated box. It doesn’t feel heavy but not very light as well. In the box, there is the mini soundbar, properly wrapped up in plastic with the documentation right beneath it. It only has two wires at the back. One is for the USB power connection and the other is the audio jack. Too bad there’s no Bluetooth on this speaker.
The design and feel is really good. It doesn’t feel cheap. And to me, the size is just right. I can place the Lenovo L101 speaker just about anywhere on my desk. It doesn’t take up much space and for mine, it sits nicely below my monitor.

If you have an audio splitter, you can actually use this as a secondary speaker to compliment your main speaker. But for my review, I only use the Lenovo L101 speaker by itself to test the sound quality.
On both sides, you can see two colourful LED lights that seamlessly change colours in timely manner. It just shows the LED colour and does not pulse to follow the music rhythm. But it looks cool nonetheless. You can have the option to have the LED lights on when you play the music or have it turned off. I prefer it to be on because it looks good especially in the dark.
Looking on the right side, there’s the on/off switch that doubles up as the volume control knob. While on the left side, there is just the basic specification note. Once I plugged in the Lenovo L101 speaker to my PC, I immediately fire up my Spotify so that I can test out the sound quality.
Audio Quality
Setting it all up is pretty straightforward. Just plug in the USB in the USB port and the audio jack into the PC’s audio-in port. I select a song from the playlist and here’s what I think.
Audio is loud at 30%. This is an estimate % from the volume knob. I have Spotify at 100% volume already so now it’s up to the mini soundbar to control the volume. I bump the music up to 50% now and the sound became clearer and better. The sound quality is surprisingly good and clear. No hissing sound at this volume level and the bass is reasonable.
I bump the volume up to 75% at this point and it is loud. So loud that I may have awaken the neighbours. It’s loud, but still clear without any “breaking” sound. Bass is better at this level but don’t expect it to be punchy. It’s just a normal bass, not a subwoofer. At this volume level, it is good enough to watch any movies from your laptop. If you wish to have a night out with friends on vacation and you only have your laptop and the speaker with you, this is good for a late night movie binge.
I use the speaker a lot. I watched lots of videos and listen to many songs with this Lenovo L101 mini soundbar. I still think it’s more of a mini soundbar instead of just a speaker. It looks good on my desk and the audio is not bad. If I were to give a rating of 1 to 10 for this mini soundbar, I’d give it a good 7.8 point. To me, it only need to have a little more punchy on the bass but other than that, it’s great. The Lenovo L101 speaker is portable and easily fit in your luggage bag when you go out traveling.
If you’re looking for buy one for yourself, you can get it at Banggood website at a very reasonable price. It is currently on sale at US$34.99, that’s about RM145.00. It’s worth it.